Mojobane's Gallery

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another Potter Post... Whut?


So when I thought back to when we all first met and we were asked to talk about animations that we enjoyed/inspired us someone (sorry I forget who, all I know is I had to turn my head to the right to see you) mentioned the short animated feature in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. The segment was the "Tale of Three Brothers" which explained The Deathly Hallows -- anyway, let's not get into that or i'll be here all night teaching you every single fact about Harry Potter.
(Finally, we arrive) 

I found concept art for the three brothers, it was animated in 3D but I always appreciate a good bit of concept art, don't you?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quiz thing

1. Which studio produced the two short animated films featured today?
-Warner Brothers

2. Who directed the two films?
-Charles Jones

3. What were the names and dates of production of the two films?
-'The Case of the Missing Hare' (1942). 'The Aristo Cat' (1943)

4. Many of this director’s films in the 1930’s and 1940’s tried to imitate the
style of which famous studio?
-Walt Disney Studio

5. Did he ever work at that studio? (The studio that was the answer to the
previous question)
-Yes he did, he worked on Sleeping Beauty.

6. After directing a film in 1942 he broke away into a new style of animation
humour and design. From the late 1940’s and into the 1950’s the animation
style and design in his films and characters were a leading influence in
animation history. What features of his style of animation and design made
his work stand out?
-Less realistic and more snappy/cartoony.

7. Remember that Brad Bird, director of
animated feature film
which cartoon by the animator you are researching today? (Film title and
year please)
- 1952, "Feed the Kitty"

8. Is that cartoon, the one you answered in the previous question, one of
Frank’s favourite cartoons?
‘The Incredibles’ and ‘The Iron, paid homage to Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston… In the Pixar‘Monsters Inc’ (2001), the directors paid homage to-Yes